What To Expect When You Come To SLBC:
Upon your arrival at SLBC you will find someone at the front door to greet you and welcome you. In addition, you should find that same welcoming and embracive attitude from all our membership.
We are a church in transition where the proclamation of the Gospel is our first priority; simply because we are not “ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16).
We believe that worship begins with a heart attitude. Each individual must bring a heart of worship; otherwise worship for you will probably not take place. At SLBC worship is does not focus on a specific style of music, but rather on the ONE we worship, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Expect to be challenged to grow and mature in your faith journey here at SLBC; and to become a transformed, committed disciple of Jesus Christ, and a servant, not a consumer, but a giver to help expand the kingdom of God here in the South Lawn Community and beyond.
Expect our conduct and character to be driven and transformed by a Biblical World view.
Lastly, expect to be a part of our extended family, living in authentic community with one another.